Well it's been awhile since I've posted an update! He's almost 5 months now, next Thursday.
A little about 4 mo old Jayden....
He was 18.5 lb & 27 in long at his check up, that's 90% & 85% percentiles! He's not pushing the charts like he was but he's still up there.
Oh my where do I even start. This boy is so much fun! He can hold his head up completely now, rolls over both ways, scoots across the floor, hold his upper body up with his arms straight out, gets his knees to his chest when on tummy (when he discovers how to both at the same time this boy is gonna take OFF). He plays with his feet, smiles when you smile, laughs like crazy. He enjoys going for long walks in the stroller, recently was able to sit in the shopping cart like a big boy (padded of course). GRABS everything in sight to put it in his mouth. Loves mommy and daddy's phones LOL. Grabs mommy's hair and laughs when it tickles him. Puts his feet up on everything (swing, play mat, play chair, strollers). Prefers to be in a sitting position or standing 80% of the time.
Two weeks ago I started him on rice cereal, he went crazy! Loves it. Getting better and better with being able to move the food to the back of his mouth with out pushing it out, although, he started off pretty well actually. I gave him some bananas the first week and he LOVED it! However, when I introduced some peas he FLIPPED out....gagged twice, jolted, spit it out the whole nine. It was hysterical. I posted the video on facebook. Since he only took 3 bites I opened some carrots, nope not a fan either. LOL. I'll introduce them again in a couple weeks. We'll try some squash or sweet potatoes next. I don't want him to develop a sweet palate for fruits only, gotta eat your veggies Jayden! =)
He's almost down to 3 bottles a day taking 6-8 oz at a time. Which is way less than he has been eating in the past (meaning daily total in ounces, he was pushing 32 oz a day, now 24ish)....3-5 bottles normal for him....
SLEEP OH HOW IVE MISSED YOU! Jayden must have known yesterday was my birthday because he didn't wake up once! Slept from 9-530! The past month almost he has finally been sleeping through the night completely!! =) I coudn't be happier!
Dj is AMAZING with him. Seriously, he wakes up in the early morning with him everyday. I usually take him if he wakes up for a feeding. Jayden ADORES him. His face lights up when he sees Daddy. Snuggles with him, goes to sleep for him when he rocks him. Take his glasses off, reaches to touch his face all the time, it's priceless to see them have such an incredible bond.
Jayden is so much fun, we couldn't be happier =)