16 1/2 lbs
24in long
Wearing 6-9 month clothes since 2 months of age!
This boy just keeps GROWING so fast!
He is such a sweetie pie, loves to smile and laugh all the time. He will tell you a story for minutes on end... he loves to suck on his hands (he gave himself a hickey!), play in his Winnie the Pooh playseat, grab & yank on his toys hanging from the rings on his playmat, he LOVES his toy cow that is clipped to his carseat, the Winnie the Pooh mobile over his crib (gets so excited and coo's) & his swing.
We are starting to introduce sleep training now that he is 3mo and it's going really well. The 1st 2 days were hard because I was hesitant in starting. I didn't want to do it too soon. But after reading my books, talking to other moms and checking baby center.com I was definitely confident that I was doing the right thing. Two options: No tears vs Cry it out. He's getting both. When it's time for sleep I cuddle him up with a paci and rock him to a drowsy state/sleep. Then I put him in his crib and he is either out or if he wakes up we begin cry out method. I try to insert a paci & pat his back and if it doesn't work I walk out of the room and start the clock. 5 min, check and console, 10 min, check and console. I've never reached longer than 15 min, he's out by then everytime. He's only had to do that 4x now...sometimes he doesn't even fight it and will go to sleep willingly. I'm focusing more on a routine and his sleep more than ever now. Bedtime routines also. I truly believe it gives children predictability and security knowing what comes next and making sure they are well rested. Of course I'm not going by the clock...he's still varing how long he sleeps. But 3 naps a day and not exceeding the 2hr wakeful window is key. He's happy I'm happy. Doing well at night too. Goes down between 7-8 now, sleeps for 5-8 hrs, eats, sleeps for 3-4hrs, eats, play, nap, and so on. Eating 4-6 oz (usually 4).
Formula is doing wonders and new medicine (no longer prevacid) Zegered, is working great for his acid reflux. He's a tummy sleeper...works like a charm (and helps with his tummy issues).
I can't believe it's been 3 mo. I look into his eyes and talk to him while he's talking away to me and it brings tears to my eyes how absolutely wonderful he is. I love him more than anything. I am LOVING being a mommy. Dj is such a great daddy and takes such great care of the both of us. We are two lucky people.
I love my family.
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