We LOVE to hear him talk with his "mamama, dadada, bababa, yayaya" He has been rolling over from back to belly since one month and belly to back since 4mo. You can NOT keep this boy on his back for 30sec, changing a diaper is challenging. Tonight I finally had to put him on the floor in between my legs and put my feet/legs over his arms/shoulder to hold him down just long enough to change him!! He can sit up with out support and loves to be sitting up. He barely wants to lean back to take a bottle, ugh. Heaven forbid he might miss something, hmmmm sounds just like his mama when she was a baby! Payback! LOL

He has been sleeping through the night since 3 mo old. 8pm- 7am average, give or take some off nights or teething!! Think a bottom tooth might sprout up very soon! Takes 6oz bottle about every 3hrs or so. Drinks from a sippy cup & has started on rice cereal and baby foods at 4mo 3wks. =)
He loves to chase after his kitties, Chloe loves up on him as for Zoey she doesn't come close enough for Jayden to yank on her fur or drool over her. LOL. He loves pulling himself up by reaching for your arms if your playing with him on the floor. LOVES to stand & screech in excitement. Finds his reflections in mirrors or oven door in the kitchen. Loves going for walks (mama's been slackin lately). Cries more often than not when you leave a room when he's in his swing. He's like "Hey! I'm over here!" Maybe in a few weeks he'll start to enjoy his brand new Jeep walker that Auntie Julianna bought him last week! He got his first "ride" and it matches Auntie Ju & Mommy's cars! =)

I try to attend a mommy's play group at East Portal park Friday mornings. Sometimes life gets too busy, Jayden's napping or mama's too tired to go. But last week we went and he of course acts like a little ham when we are there. Showing off crawling, sitting, talking...I've only been twice so of course I'm trying to just blend in not stand out! LOL. Jayden differs he was center of attention...oh my I can only imagine what this will look like when he's a little older.

Did I mention he is completely filling in 12 mo clothes already??!?! OMGeeee sheesh this boy needs to slow down! I am estimating this month (since no doc ck up) that's he's about 20lb and 28.5in?? We'll see how close I am with his 6 mo ck up. =)
Check out these teeth!

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