He is so fast. He's walking 5-10 steps regularly, I joke with him being able to run by his birthday. This kid is is my lil turbo.
Thankfully he's still in 18mo clothes, weighs 25lb 9oz and is about 31in! Almost ready to switch off of this expensive formula (hooray)! Ha can say ball, cat, mama, dada, and attempts so much more. Loves to point at everything, his latest is sticking out his tongue for long periods of time and this morning he screeches in excitement LOUDLY. Hates to get dressed, heaven forbid we have to change his diaper lol. Chases after the cats (he loves them and they love him). Can use his hammer for his tool bench toy, can press the button on several toys to make them start. We started putting the shapes in his cookie jar and he tries to put them in himself through the shape specific holes. Loves to pick up toys, hold them up and shake them (does this with everything). Learning how to eat with utensils. I put food on a spork and he picks it up and puts it in his mouth. He tries to scoop up food out of his bowl. He also needs a hair cut but mommy refuses until AFTER his 1st birthday portraits. I can't wait to get those done! Of course I have 3-4 outfits for him. haha. We're going to take the opportunity to get a family portrait done as well.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this kid. He is my pride & joy and love of my life!!

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