He is such a good baby! Always happy! I am so lucky. This week he had a really bad cold and I wasn't able to take him to daycare. At first I thought it might have been just teething due to the excessive drool. But then the sneezing started, and then the coughing....I knew it was probably more than teething. When he started to get congested and we were on day 4 I decided to take him in to get this ears and lungs checked since he is prone to ear infections. Doctor just said he had one heck of a cold and he's really fighting it. Poor guy. He is so congested and when he coughs he coughs so hard I think he's going to throw up. =( On a good note it's been 1 week today and he is feeling better! Less of a runny nose, it's a chest cold right now. Which still stinks!
He is 24lb and 30in long! I was reading up on my What to expect the first year and it stated that once a baby reaches 35in they are to graduate to a bed! Uh oh, I hope it takes awhile for Jayden to grow 5in LOL. He's already almost in 2T clothes!! Some of his 18mo don't fit. =( He has 8 teeth and know how to use them! =) Loves to eat!! Oh man does this boy eat! My lil oinker. =) He's eating everything we are (of course low/no sodium, low/no sugar foods, nothing acidic, etc).

He is still signing!! Tells me when he's hungry by signing "eat" and when he wants "milk". I've added "all done" and "more" and now are ready to add two more signs. He is so smart. I've definitely added reading back into our night time routine. All he wanted to do was eat the books for the longest time. I couldn't read it while they were in his mouth, lol. Didn't matter if I had 5 books out he would take the one from my hand. Now that he is finally interested in books we are reading again! =) Love reading to him.
He hasn't taken more than 3 steps yet. But he stands up all the time on his own with out support. Takes 1-3 steps then is down for turbo crawling. I need to pull out his walker more to encourage him. I hold on to his hand and walk with him and need to do that more and more. He is so fast crawling! You can walk out of a room and he's right behind you! Hot on your trail!
He loves when I sing to him. We play patty cake, itsy bitsy spider, ABC's, Twinkle twinkle and other songs mommy loves to make up as we go! haha. He sometimes sings along with me. He loves to chase after his kitties. Chloe LOVES Jayden. He's her baby for sure. Always coming up to him for loving and brushing her chin against him. Jayden however, body slams her for loving. Pulling her fur and rubbing his face on his belly. Actually as I was typing this I caught him doing this exact behavior! LOL.

I hope then next two months SLOW down because my baby will be 1 yrs old!!!! =(

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