The Arrival
Having Jayden wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be, because of the c-section and I was given pain meds after 5 hrs of contracting it wasn't as extreme as I had imagined. Although if I had to continue laboring at that point with no pain meds I would have definitely been in a great deal of pain (only being at 1.5cm & 80%). The contractions were becoming fierce and I was thankful to be going the c-section route. I was ok with that, knowing I didn't want to push an approx 10lb + baby out! Now he's here, laying on my chest with my mom and Dj standing next to me, I'm speechless. I'm permanently smiling from ear to ear. He's actually here!! He looks Asian, lol. Almond eyes, and his facial features were squished, we knew he had not a lot of room in my belly (through ultrasound monitoring). I spend the next 4 days in the hospital with this little guy and I am on cloud nine. Nothing seems real yet, it hasn't clicked that I'm a mommy!! Since we live a block from the hospital Dj came home at night to get some sleep and Jayden and I spent every moment side by side. He stayed in his little bassinet right next to my bed almost the whole time. I loved snuggling with him & bonding with skin to skin contact was the best feeling ever. The night before I was going to go home, it hit me how tired I was. With tears of agreement the nurses took him to the nursery just for a little while so I could get some rest. I never thought to have done this before, it never crossed my mind. So off he went, tears rolling down my cheeks not wanting him to go yet needing some shut eye for more than an hr or two. I wake up 5 hrs later, get out of bed as quickly as I could and walk down to the nursery to find my lil man. He's fast asleep, seeing him through the window I begin to cry. I want my baby! LOL. I couldn't stand being away from him. They brought him in my room 5 min later and we were together again. Waiting for daddy to wake up to come pick us up from the hospital. =) We were going home in Uncle Jerry's special Suburban. (My Uncle that passed away in 2006, I was given his Suburban & hold it dearly to me heart). We drove home in his warm embrace.
First Week
I think the 1st week I was on an adrenaline high. Nothing seemed to phase me. I was still in shock that he was actually here! When you think about it being pregnant is completely different than actually having a baby. You take a test and find out your pregnant! Oh so exciting right? Then you wait.....and wait.....9 whole months before he/she arrives. I remember thinking at about 7 months I can't wait to have him, yet dang he's gotta come out some how! HAHA. That was the part I was semi nervous about. Of course never having gone through labor before you can only imagine what it might feel like. Once I finally conquered getting through "labor" (only having to wait 7hrs for him to arrive c-sec) my 1st job as a new mommy was being paparazzi! Taking tons of pictures (as you can see on my face book page) I was completely obsessed with catching every moment, every outfit, and every one that met him with photo ops. I am breastfeeding through bottle at this point (with difficulties latching) & supplementing with formula. He wakes every 1-2hrs and is sleeping in our bed for the most part, we couldn't help but stare at him!

Second Week
My little "sister" Tess is here for a visit! We juggle who is sleeping where in what room. Dj & I are still taking turns with the night shifts at this point. We have a twin bed in Jayden's room so who ever is on duty can sleep in his room, and the other can sleep in our bed. Played musical beds that week. Jayden developed a clogged tear duct and is really congested in his nose. We make sure he is sleeping elevated with a pillow on his back, and am now doing saline drops in his nose and we got eye drops (had to take him to urgent care when he was 8 days old). I warned Tess that this visit is going to be really different with Jayden. She's used to it being just her and I having fun girl time, going to the mall, the movies, shopping, etc. It was definitely an interesting week with her being here. I had to "pull teeth" to get her to tell me how she was doing/feeling because she was so quiet. She's 14 and I have been her "older sister" since she was born (she now lives in WA since she was 4). We are very close and it was definitely a hard week for the both of us. I start feeling sick by the end of the week. =(

Visit with Great Great Aunt Helen

Auntie Tess and Jayden

Third Week
By now Jayden & I are both sick. My stomach hurts, I'm not eating and am absolutely exhausted. Last week was a little stressful. Jayden has 2 clogged dear ducts and is still really stuffy. It's hard for him to breathe and it's making me worried and sad seeing him like that. My mom, aunt and cousin are coming over in the afternoons through out the week to watch Jayden so I can take a nap. He's starting to become more and more gassy and you can just tell he is in pain with it all. I try bicycle legs, squeezing his legs to his chest (which worked a couple times....blphh blphhh). He is clearly uncomfortable and I'm a wreck. I'm loosing weight like crazy and the night shifts are getting harder and harder to cope with. I called his Dr and we switch his formula from Enfamil Gentlease (for fussiness & gas) to Similac Alimentum (hypoallergenic for colic babies). I'm so nervous switching (this will be the 4th type we've tried) in addition to giving him gripe water and mylicon drops and finding the right bottles. It takes 2 weeks to see if it's making a difference or not. I've lost 36lbs since his birth.

Showing off being head strong

Fourth Week
Hard to tell so soon but I think the new formula is working. Although now he is screaming when spitting up! Something is wrong and I'm holding him with his scrunched red screaming face trying to console him. My mom mentions acid reflux and it makes sense. He only screams when spitting up and you can hear it come back up, it probably burns! My poor baby! We call the Dr yet again and she immediately refers us to a Pediatric Gastroenterologist. We we're able to get an appt within 2 days. He tell him what is happening and he says it could be one of two things. An allergic reaction to protein (which is why we switched formula that has the protein strand broken down further) or it is acid reflux (which he is already on prevacid once a day). He checks to make sure there is no blood in the stool & increases his dose to 2x a day. We leave feeling hopeful that the increase will help. At least we know that he is thriving! He's 13lb 3oz and 21 1/2 in long! Gaining weight isn't a problem!

After 2 weeks on the new formula & prevacid 2x a day he is definitely improving! He's not squirming in discomfort and no longer screaming when spitting up (although it does happen a few times). He's becoming much happier! And so am I! It breaks your heart when there is something wrong with your child and you try to figure out what it is and how to help. By now I've lost 41lbs and am starting to feel better....
The first month was by far the toughest!! Trying to get him comfortable to sleep longer than an hr or two, and with being colicy and having acid reflux it was definitely HARDCORE to deal. But we are on the road to better days!! YAY