Brieanna arrives in town to celebrate her twin's Sophia & Olivia's 2nd Bday party. She kisses my tummy and says, "Ok Jayden Auntie Brie's here you can come out now!" The next morning I went into labor (now sharing the birthday of her twins with Jayden)

Happy 2nd Birthday Sophia & Olivia AND Happy BIRTHday to Jayden!!
Friday March 19th, 2010 5:30am
I am sleeping in the middle of our bed, Dj is sleeping in Jayden's room so that I remain comfortable as possible to get as much rest as I can (he snores). =) My back is really uncomfortable and I am feeling really really achy. I figured shame on me for catching myself sleeping on my tummy (I have been able to do this almost the whole time I've been pregnant). I thought well I have been able to sleep through the night with out a bathroom trip so maybe I need to go? It may be pressure. I get up and go to the bathroom and realize that my pajama bottoms are wet, but not so much that I was thinking my water broke (urine possibly vs amniotic fluid). So I go back to bed, take a tylenol for the extreme discomfort and trying to go back to sleep. I don't realize that there is a pattern until an hour later. I'm thinking it's 5:30 am and I've been sleeping horribly so I still want to sleep! At 6:30 I'm still extremely uncomfortable and I am putting two and two together thinking, "look at a clock dummy, are these real contractions or are the Braxton Hicks?" I timed them for an hour (the 2nd hour) and they started off at 17min, then 15min (I'm thinking not consistent to be real?). 7:00am I hear Dj's alarm clock go off it's time for him to get ready for work. I haven't woken him up yet because I'm still trying to figure out if this is the real deal or not. Unfortunately he is hitting snooze and is not waking up! I don't even want to get up so I start to talk from our room and say, "Good Morning Baby, I think we're having a baby today......", "Honey.......", "Time to wake up....." He finally gets up 20min later and I'm propped up sitting in our bed with Good Day Sacramento on, hair is all frazzled and I tell him, "Morning.... I think I'm having contractions...." He looks at me with blood shot sleepy eyes, smiles and says, "Really?" Poor guy I might as well have woke him up by throwing ice water in his face. He couldn't believe it (neither could I). While waiting for him to wake up my timing in contractions were consistently 7 min apart 3x in a row. I'm thinking OMG this is it! When Dj came and sat down next to me we counted 2 more in exactly the 7 min expectancy. We both looked at each other, smiled and said, "Let's go!"
We grabbed our barely packed hospital bag, I threw on a sweatshirt and some slippers, Dj got dressed and out the door we went for our 1 min flat car ride (I live a block away from the hospital). Luckily we found parking right in front (we have a neighborhood permit so we didn't have to move the car, in fact we didn't move it for 2 days lol). Slowly we walked up to the 2nd floor to check in and actually see if this is real or not. We were brought back right away to a room where a triage nurse would check me out. Her name was Susan and she was awesome. I told her I know I'm only 1.5cm dilated and 60% effaced, but my contractions were 7 min apart and I clearly could not talk through them (a sign of real labor). I also told her that I had an ultrasound scheduled for Monday to determine approx fetal weight & that we've been monitoring him through sonograms and we think he's going to be a big boy (10lb). She later then informed me that I am still 1.5cm dilated and now 80% effaced, however, I have high blood pressure and that alone could be a reason to be admitted (my blood pressure has been perfect throughout pregnancy) but not to be alarmed it could just be nerves. The doctor on call was notified and told my nurse that she discussed ordering the ultrasound to determine the latest approx fetal weight and since we know we were headed towards a c-section there is no reason for me to continue laboring, I was being admitted and scheduled for a c-section right away!!
Dj and I arrived at the hospital at ten to 8am. I was admitted and scheduled for a c-section by 8:30. That's when I knew ok time initiate notification phone tree LOL. I was texting my mom of course at 630am so I confirmed what I think she already knew was real, so mom and dad were on their way. I text Brie when I arrived at the hospital, texted her that I was having contractions and left a voice mail telling her I'm not leaving I'm in labor call me! She had just came up for the twins birthday (which is also the 19th) on Wednesday night. We hung out all day Thur and she kissed my tummy basically telling Jayden it's ok to come now Auntie Brie is here....and what do you know? The very next morning!! He's kickin down the doors! On Sophia & Olivia's Birthday! So now she finally calls me back as I'm getting my IV done and I tell her so and she says, "Holy shit!" The nurse laughs because she could hear her as she's putting in my IV. So Brie is on her way! I got my wish! Meanwhile, Dj is sitting in the chair next to me making his calls, trying to get a hold of work and family. Him and I are in shock this is really happening and its happening right now!!

By 9 or 930 my parents & Brie arrive. I am having contractions every 4-6 min. They were fierce too! I'm thinking to myself if we didn't know that he was going to be a big baby or that my BP was high I would be going home right now (because I was dilating quickly enough)! Oh my I couldn't even imagine that. By 10am I received pain meds to help me until I go to the OR. We've decided that Dj and my mom would be going into the OR with me. They both have to put on scrubs, they gave Dj this paper shirt and he came out of the bathroom looking like superman, like it was going to tear off any minute it was so funny. I was really excited and wasn't nervous at all. I've been waiting all my life for this moment to have a baby and it was about to be a dream come true.

At 11:20 they take me to the OR. I am told to straddle the table that I will be laying on in order to give the spinal. I get up on the table and put my legs on a chair that was on each side of the table. They tell me what they are going to do, how and what I should feel. This is the only part I was nervous about. When they administer my antibiotic my IV collapses. I feel a sharp pain in my wrist and my blood starts to trickle down my hand. This is when I start to cry. They continue to redo my IV, and then give me the spinal. The OR staff and anesthesiologist was so nice I felt taken care of. My mom and Dj came in and definitely made everything better.

Less than 20 min later Jayden David Hayes arrived on March 19th, 2010 at 12:18pm weighing 9lb 7oz and 20.5 in long.

I don't know why these pics came out small=( tried fixing and made it worse...any advice to fix greatly appreciated!