Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Lily at 23wks in the womb
Good Morning my sweet babygirl,
Mommy bought a rather large iced coffee this morning and needed a jump start to her day. I felt that you enjoyed it too, literally giving me the jump start. It is amazing how incredibly strong you are for only being one pound and one foot long. Your somersaults makes my belly stretch and sometimes makes me light headed for 30sec. You sure are getting good at your gymnastics. We're almost 6mo into this pregnancy journey and I'm sure starting to FEEL you in everyway. It's getting harder to get up quickly, my pants still fit but my shirts are feeling tight. My hips ache at night and my bladder seems to be shrinking. My skin is like a desert floor and hair is growing in places that I didn't think was possible. I hate reaching to shave my legs, now I sit on our bathroom counter and shave them in the sink. I have the worst tension headaches as well as in my shoulders. My emotions are sometimes uncontrollable as well as my moods and temper. I sometimes think "I hate this" but as soon as I even think such a thought I quickly remember how much of a "blessing" this all is to feel every ache, pain, stressor, emotion, hormonal inbalance, rage, fear, worry, everything seems to go from negative to positive a within a matter of seconds.
Because in the same breath I can't wait to see your face and kiss your lips, have your hand wrap around my finger. Kiss those sweet baby feet that I will not be able to let go of (ask your brother). I want to just stare at you in the wee hours of the night just because I can. Dress you in all sorts of cute girly outfits that I have been eyeballing for the past decade of wishing. I want to learn how to make all those adorable bows and headbands for you to wear until you grow hair. I want to hold you and rock you to sleep like we briefly were able to do for Jayden until he became too independent so quickly. I want to protect you from harm and give you the biggest loving enviornment any child could ever want. I want to teach you right from wrong while I pull my hair out because it's challenging to teach and even harder to learn. I want to give you nice relaxing baths and to show your silly brother there is nothing to be afraid of. I want to be the best mommy I can be to you and Jayden.
I will always remember that I will do anything and everything to take care of you because I love you with every single inch of my heart and every fiber of my being. My family means more to me than anything else in this world ever could. I can not even begin to describe how happy I am to be Dj's wife and a mommy to you and Jayden. You mean everything to me and everything is you.
I can't wait to meet you my Lily girl.
Mommy bought a rather large iced coffee this morning and needed a jump start to her day. I felt that you enjoyed it too, literally giving me the jump start. It is amazing how incredibly strong you are for only being one pound and one foot long. Your somersaults makes my belly stretch and sometimes makes me light headed for 30sec. You sure are getting good at your gymnastics. We're almost 6mo into this pregnancy journey and I'm sure starting to FEEL you in everyway. It's getting harder to get up quickly, my pants still fit but my shirts are feeling tight. My hips ache at night and my bladder seems to be shrinking. My skin is like a desert floor and hair is growing in places that I didn't think was possible. I hate reaching to shave my legs, now I sit on our bathroom counter and shave them in the sink. I have the worst tension headaches as well as in my shoulders. My emotions are sometimes uncontrollable as well as my moods and temper. I sometimes think "I hate this" but as soon as I even think such a thought I quickly remember how much of a "blessing" this all is to feel every ache, pain, stressor, emotion, hormonal inbalance, rage, fear, worry, everything seems to go from negative to positive a within a matter of seconds.
Because in the same breath I can't wait to see your face and kiss your lips, have your hand wrap around my finger. Kiss those sweet baby feet that I will not be able to let go of (ask your brother). I want to just stare at you in the wee hours of the night just because I can. Dress you in all sorts of cute girly outfits that I have been eyeballing for the past decade of wishing. I want to learn how to make all those adorable bows and headbands for you to wear until you grow hair. I want to hold you and rock you to sleep like we briefly were able to do for Jayden until he became too independent so quickly. I want to protect you from harm and give you the biggest loving enviornment any child could ever want. I want to teach you right from wrong while I pull my hair out because it's challenging to teach and even harder to learn. I want to give you nice relaxing baths and to show your silly brother there is nothing to be afraid of. I want to be the best mommy I can be to you and Jayden.
I will always remember that I will do anything and everything to take care of you because I love you with every single inch of my heart and every fiber of my being. My family means more to me than anything else in this world ever could. I can not even begin to describe how happy I am to be Dj's wife and a mommy to you and Jayden. You mean everything to me and everything is you.
I can't wait to meet you my Lily girl.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
21 wks 4days....18wks to go
I'm definitely feeling the changes now more than ever before. Yesterday I had a severe pain in my side all day it hurt to sit down. I had to keep myself from crying over it all day, being at work. I eventually took some tylenol and stretched which led to some relief some time after.
After not sleeping well at all for over a month I'm finally getting a little more and more. I still wake up 4-8x between the hours of 3-6am. By the time Jayden wakes up at 545-630 all my attempts are over.
I looked down at my feet while cooking tacos two nights ago and thought, are my feet getting swollen already?? My left ankle already hurts!! My ribs ache, it feels like my lil "bigfoot" is kicking mommy right in my sides! There is no room to stay so tucked in to mommy's belly. I need room too! POP out already!! It's too early to be feeling like this. So on top of my body aching and not getting much sleep I get to work full time taking care of 2 clinics and double the staff and come home to run after my 16mo crazy monster (that I love so much).
It's crazy crazy times!! My best friend might move to Japan next year, friends coming and going, Jayden growing up so fast, countdown to our new edition. YIKES!
Focusing on our lil Hayes Family everything is just fine. Life can become challenging at anytime, but it's all on how you choose to react and respond to it.
I Love my family!!
After not sleeping well at all for over a month I'm finally getting a little more and more. I still wake up 4-8x between the hours of 3-6am. By the time Jayden wakes up at 545-630 all my attempts are over.
I looked down at my feet while cooking tacos two nights ago and thought, are my feet getting swollen already?? My left ankle already hurts!! My ribs ache, it feels like my lil "bigfoot" is kicking mommy right in my sides! There is no room to stay so tucked in to mommy's belly. I need room too! POP out already!! It's too early to be feeling like this. So on top of my body aching and not getting much sleep I get to work full time taking care of 2 clinics and double the staff and come home to run after my 16mo crazy monster (that I love so much).
It's crazy crazy times!! My best friend might move to Japan next year, friends coming and going, Jayden growing up so fast, countdown to our new edition. YIKES!
Focusing on our lil Hayes Family everything is just fine. Life can become challenging at anytime, but it's all on how you choose to react and respond to it.
I Love my family!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Martina McBride - Blessed
This is what popped into my head when I felt Lilly kicking in my belly yesterday afternoon.
Martina McBride - Blessed: "Greatest Hits"
Martina McBride - Blessed: "Greatest Hits"
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Dirt Road Anthem-Jason Aldean w/lyrics
LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Turn it up and "memory lane up in the headlights reminiscing on them good times!!" =)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
1st Perfect Summer Memory
Today wasn't much of anything exciting, yet it was in the end the perfect day.
Jayden and I went to the Farmer's Market downtown and got some yummy fruits and mommy bought herself some pretty flowers.
Daddy worked on his pop up tent trailer while Jayden helped. He LOVES to be in the garage with Daddy. Oh my is he going to be quite the little helper soon enough.
After his 2nd nap we went back out front to hang out with Daddy. Put some water in his new toys and he had a ball!! The diaper soon came off...we'll be sure to start in the backyard next time. LOL
New toys!
We even were able to bring them into the bath tub and for the 1st time in 7 mo Jayden didn't cry while taking a bath by himself!!!!!!!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!
Jayden and I went to the Farmer's Market downtown and got some yummy fruits and mommy bought herself some pretty flowers.
Daddy worked on his pop up tent trailer while Jayden helped. He LOVES to be in the garage with Daddy. Oh my is he going to be quite the little helper soon enough.
After his 2nd nap we went back out front to hang out with Daddy. Put some water in his new toys and he had a ball!! The diaper soon came off...we'll be sure to start in the backyard next time. LOL
New toys!
We even were able to bring them into the bath tub and for the 1st time in 7 mo Jayden didn't cry while taking a bath by himself!!!!!!!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Jayden turned ONE

He is a running toddler now! So smart too! He will repeat words that you say such as cat, dog, bubble, ball, duck, car. He takes my keys to the front door to try and get it to open, haha! He LOVES to play with cups and spoons. He is definitely taking the journey of self feeding. He loves to feed himself and sometimes insists on doing so. =) Messy but oh so fun. He loves to play hide and seek and be scared. He laughs like crazy when you scare him. VERY ticklish. Hates to wear shoes, struggle to keep socks on. He is 25lb and 30in (but currently in a growth spurt and I believe getting his 1yr molars) and wears 2T/24mo clothes!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
11 mo wobbler
Last night Dj and I were playing with Jayden and he actually walked 1/2 way across the room!! We couldn't believe it! This boy is so strong! Here's a glimpse of him at play.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
11 months.......almost there.......
11months old? Really? Already? Next month he'll be one?! CRAZY! SAD! HAPPY! PROUD!
He is so fast. He's walking 5-10 steps regularly, I joke with him being able to run by his birthday. This kid is is my lil turbo.
Thankfully he's still in 18mo clothes, weighs 25lb 9oz and is about 31in! Almost ready to switch off of this expensive formula (hooray)! Ha can say ball, cat, mama, dada, and attempts so much more. Loves to point at everything, his latest is sticking out his tongue for long periods of time and this morning he screeches in excitement LOUDLY. Hates to get dressed, heaven forbid we have to change his diaper lol. Chases after the cats (he loves them and they love him). Can use his hammer for his tool bench toy, can press the button on several toys to make them start. We started putting the shapes in his cookie jar and he tries to put them in himself through the shape specific holes. Loves to pick up toys, hold them up and shake them (does this with everything). Learning how to eat with utensils. I put food on a spork and he picks it up and puts it in his mouth. He tries to scoop up food out of his bowl. He also needs a hair cut but mommy refuses until AFTER his 1st birthday portraits. I can't wait to get those done! Of course I have 3-4 outfits for him. haha. We're going to take the opportunity to get a family portrait done as well.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this kid. He is my pride & joy and love of my life!!

He is so fast. He's walking 5-10 steps regularly, I joke with him being able to run by his birthday. This kid is is my lil turbo.
Thankfully he's still in 18mo clothes, weighs 25lb 9oz and is about 31in! Almost ready to switch off of this expensive formula (hooray)! Ha can say ball, cat, mama, dada, and attempts so much more. Loves to point at everything, his latest is sticking out his tongue for long periods of time and this morning he screeches in excitement LOUDLY. Hates to get dressed, heaven forbid we have to change his diaper lol. Chases after the cats (he loves them and they love him). Can use his hammer for his tool bench toy, can press the button on several toys to make them start. We started putting the shapes in his cookie jar and he tries to put them in himself through the shape specific holes. Loves to pick up toys, hold them up and shake them (does this with everything). Learning how to eat with utensils. I put food on a spork and he picks it up and puts it in his mouth. He tries to scoop up food out of his bowl. He also needs a hair cut but mommy refuses until AFTER his 1st birthday portraits. I can't wait to get those done! Of course I have 3-4 outfits for him. haha. We're going to take the opportunity to get a family portrait done as well.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this kid. He is my pride & joy and love of my life!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011
Perfect 10 (mo)
I can NOT believe Jayden is 10 months old already. Recently, I have found myself SO attached to him to the point I can just stare at him with amazement & can't believe he's mine. I can't tell you how many times I've cried with tears of joy because I am so blessed with the most beautiful baby boy I've ever seen (no offense, it's just mama talk).
He is such a good baby! Always happy! I am so lucky. This week he had a really bad cold and I wasn't able to take him to daycare. At first I thought it might have been just teething due to the excessive drool. But then the sneezing started, and then the coughing....I knew it was probably more than teething. When he started to get congested and we were on day 4 I decided to take him in to get this ears and lungs checked since he is prone to ear infections. Doctor just said he had one heck of a cold and he's really fighting it. Poor guy. He is so congested and when he coughs he coughs so hard I think he's going to throw up. =( On a good note it's been 1 week today and he is feeling better! Less of a runny nose, it's a chest cold right now. Which still stinks!
He is 24lb and 30in long! I was reading up on my What to expect the first year and it stated that once a baby reaches 35in they are to graduate to a bed! Uh oh, I hope it takes awhile for Jayden to grow 5in LOL. He's already almost in 2T clothes!! Some of his 18mo don't fit. =( He has 8 teeth and know how to use them! =) Loves to eat!! Oh man does this boy eat! My lil oinker. =) He's eating everything we are (of course low/no sodium, low/no sugar foods, nothing acidic, etc).

He is still signing!! Tells me when he's hungry by signing "eat" and when he wants "milk". I've added "all done" and "more" and now are ready to add two more signs. He is so smart. I've definitely added reading back into our night time routine. All he wanted to do was eat the books for the longest time. I couldn't read it while they were in his mouth, lol. Didn't matter if I had 5 books out he would take the one from my hand. Now that he is finally interested in books we are reading again! =) Love reading to him.
He hasn't taken more than 3 steps yet. But he stands up all the time on his own with out support. Takes 1-3 steps then is down for turbo crawling. I need to pull out his walker more to encourage him. I hold on to his hand and walk with him and need to do that more and more. He is so fast crawling! You can walk out of a room and he's right behind you! Hot on your trail!
He loves when I sing to him. We play patty cake, itsy bitsy spider, ABC's, Twinkle twinkle and other songs mommy loves to make up as we go! haha. He sometimes sings along with me. He loves to chase after his kitties. Chloe LOVES Jayden. He's her baby for sure. Always coming up to him for loving and brushing her chin against him. Jayden however, body slams her for loving. Pulling her fur and rubbing his face on his belly. Actually as I was typing this I caught him doing this exact behavior! LOL.

I hope then next two months SLOW down because my baby will be 1 yrs old!!!! =(
Some one needs a hair cut! (I don't want to cut it)
Playing at Me ma & Pe pa's house.
He is such a good baby! Always happy! I am so lucky. This week he had a really bad cold and I wasn't able to take him to daycare. At first I thought it might have been just teething due to the excessive drool. But then the sneezing started, and then the coughing....I knew it was probably more than teething. When he started to get congested and we were on day 4 I decided to take him in to get this ears and lungs checked since he is prone to ear infections. Doctor just said he had one heck of a cold and he's really fighting it. Poor guy. He is so congested and when he coughs he coughs so hard I think he's going to throw up. =( On a good note it's been 1 week today and he is feeling better! Less of a runny nose, it's a chest cold right now. Which still stinks!
He is 24lb and 30in long! I was reading up on my What to expect the first year and it stated that once a baby reaches 35in they are to graduate to a bed! Uh oh, I hope it takes awhile for Jayden to grow 5in LOL. He's already almost in 2T clothes!! Some of his 18mo don't fit. =( He has 8 teeth and know how to use them! =) Loves to eat!! Oh man does this boy eat! My lil oinker. =) He's eating everything we are (of course low/no sodium, low/no sugar foods, nothing acidic, etc).

He is still signing!! Tells me when he's hungry by signing "eat" and when he wants "milk". I've added "all done" and "more" and now are ready to add two more signs. He is so smart. I've definitely added reading back into our night time routine. All he wanted to do was eat the books for the longest time. I couldn't read it while they were in his mouth, lol. Didn't matter if I had 5 books out he would take the one from my hand. Now that he is finally interested in books we are reading again! =) Love reading to him.
He hasn't taken more than 3 steps yet. But he stands up all the time on his own with out support. Takes 1-3 steps then is down for turbo crawling. I need to pull out his walker more to encourage him. I hold on to his hand and walk with him and need to do that more and more. He is so fast crawling! You can walk out of a room and he's right behind you! Hot on your trail!
He loves when I sing to him. We play patty cake, itsy bitsy spider, ABC's, Twinkle twinkle and other songs mommy loves to make up as we go! haha. He sometimes sings along with me. He loves to chase after his kitties. Chloe LOVES Jayden. He's her baby for sure. Always coming up to him for loving and brushing her chin against him. Jayden however, body slams her for loving. Pulling her fur and rubbing his face on his belly. Actually as I was typing this I caught him doing this exact behavior! LOL.

I hope then next two months SLOW down because my baby will be 1 yrs old!!!! =(

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